Gulf Wars Information

Contact Information

Please send all correspondence regarding Axemoor land at Gulf Wars to Please allow 24 hours for response.

Reservation Policies

  1. When Gulf Wars Registration opens Axemoor and Axemoor citizens have first opportunity to pay site fees. On February 1st, spots in Axemoor will be open to non-Axemoor and guests.
  2. At the close of GW registration if you have not registered you forfeit your spot and all funds will be refunded.
  3. Site fee for Axemoor will be $30.00.
  4. You can ask for a particular spot, but it is not guaranteed that you will get it due to tent sizes and getting everyone to fit. Special needs will be taken into consideration.

On-site Code of Conduct

  1. No Drama.
  2. If food is left under the baronial pavilion it is for all to eat. If you do not want everyone to eat it please put it away.
  3. No trash in the fire pit. This includes plastic, glass, or bottle caps.
  4. Keep camp clean. If it looks like trash, it gets trashed. Items repeatedly left unattended in common areas may be collected by the Management and you may be asked to make a donation to the Barony Gulf Wars bank to get them back!
  5. No running in camp.
  6. Be courteous to your neighbors at all hours.
  7. Never leave fire unattended. Always have water bucket full of water placed next to fire pit.
  8. Do not unplug/plug into the shower outlet. It is for the shower only.
  9. Help keep the shower clean.
  10. Kitchen property stays in kitchen
  11. Quiet hours start at midnight til 8am. You don't have to go to bed but please no loud talking or music.
    • Outside gate torches are to be turned off at midnight.

Meal Plan and Kitchen

The meal plan will be changing this year. Details will be posted as they are available.

Any personal things left in the kitchen after war and not claimed within a month will then belong to the kitchen.

If you use the kitchen please clean up after yourself.